Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How does one justify opposing a bullying ban?

Okay, as a person who considers himself religious, I understand the need for a church to stand up for its principles. But there's a serious problem in existence when I see that a church is ON RECORD saying that they oppose the ban on bullying.

If you think I'm making this up, I invite you to check out this link.


In short, the problem is--according to these bishops--because there's a bullying law on the docket, it might lead to same-sex marriage. In other states that have had bullying bans, the bans have been used in the case for same-sex marriage.

Human dignity is a primary teaching of the Catholic Church. It's the first tenet of the social teachings. Even from the USCCB's website, it reads, "...the measure of every institution is whether it threatens or enhances the life and dignity of the human person." This is a case in point where the dignity of human beings are being threatened, where worth is questioned, and lives sometimes become at stake.

Go to: http://www.cathnewsusa.com/article.aspx?aeid=13515#hys to voice your opinion on this article. Odds are good that you will find those who disagree, but even if you're not Catholic, this is a human issue!

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