Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Where have I been?

Well, for starters I got married. Or had a commitment ceremony. However you choose to look at it the GF is now the Wife.

The morning of our ceremony we had some last minute details to work out. Of course a trip to Wal Mart was involved. As we sashayed in, the Wife saw a former classmate from high school.

She didn’t want to talk to this person, not someone she was close with and I think there might have even been the hint of fear that this person would be judgmental about us. But then the Wife announced, “If we had more time I think I would go up and inform her that we’re getting gay married today.”

And that’s when we decided, it’s not enough to say we’re married. We have to tell people we’re GAY married.

My mother, bless her heart, only had one high speed come apart that day … the cake lady was late and the cake was wrong. Now, not dreadfully wrong. It didn’t say, “Happy Wedding Brent and Trish,” like a certain item did at my first marriage.

No the cake lady got two of the layers mixed up so that the chocolate layer was smaller than the Creamcicle layer and in Mom’s eyes that was a crime. I think she was ready to go after the lady with an ice pick.

But the ceremony was lovely. Very small, just family. My blond twin performed the nuptials, then we all ate too much cake and drank really good champagne.

And then, because I love the Wife, we went for beers and to the cage fights at the Shrine. Ah romance.

The Wife enjoyed herself immensely. I had fun but was so worn out from all the wedding prep, I fell asleep in one of those oh so comfy chairs. Ahem.

Moving on.

I’ve also been working on some other personal projects, oh and I once again have the Vulcan Death Flu, not to be confused with the H1N1 virus. No this is just general hacking, wheezing and swallowing dozens of Mucinex, chased with the Wife’s magic chicken noodle soup.

So once I’m completely back on my feet, I’ll be back to the snark you’ve come to know and love. I’ve got a smackdown coming on Fedora as well as a rather famous barbeque joint in KC, but praise for an amazing pizza joint there.

And a word of congrats to the seven states where gay marriage is now a reality legally. Let’s face it, there are those of us who don’t need the government’s blessings over our union, but it is the right thing … and bit by bit we’re losing small battles but winning the war.

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