Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The joy of cooking...well, for me, anyway.

I haven't posted in a while on GLITQC, mostly because anything I'm normally interested in speaking about doesn't really fit with things here. But you can catch more of my antics on my other blog, wildelife: http://wildefanblog.blogspot.com/, you know, in case you're interested. You're probably not. But that's okay.

Anyway, I'm housesitting for a lovely gay couple this week. I like them. They're like my "fairy god-gays". (Is that redundant?)

They have respectively been in my world since my early college years. And as I got further along in my education, they became more involved. One was even my advisor in grad school.

There are four reasons I like housesitting for them.

1) They have a great shower...two of them, in fact. And I mean...FANTABULOUSLY FANTASTIC! They are the full massage shower heads...and they have great water pressure. All I'm saying is it's not a bad thing that I can't afford a regular massage--this'll do.

2) They're good guys. I like them. Simple as that.

3) They don't hide their porn collection. Seriously. The first time I housesat for them, it took less than 5 minutes to find it. Because it was in the DVD rack of the enterntainment center. I thought their tastes were a little odd--it was all super-cheesy, but one finally explained it to me that they used to host "brunch & porn" parties.

4) Their kitchen is serious. HUGE convection oven. 6-burner range, complete with grill plates. And for the last two evenings, a wonderful reason to cook.

I'm not a professional chef by any stretch of the imagination, but most of my friends who have been treated to my cooking have been glad to be near my culinary skills. I've been able to prepare enough meals for my parents and grandmother (a former head cook for a school district) that they willingly ask me to prepare the meals when I visit.

The last two evenings have been filled with fish: baked Chilean Sea Bass (last night) and baked Grouper (tonight). I'm trying the healthy thing. Except for pasta. And bread. I have no qualms with gorging myself on that fantastic stuff!

All of the interest in seafood is rooted in one great idea...I want to thoroughly impress my man this weekend. He's a seafood fan, especially white fish. I am getting there, certainly. Not perfection, but closer to it than a year ago.

Les has asked me to write a couple of blogs on food before--and I'll certainly try to get some new ones in before long. Both Branson and Queen City places. But I figured for tonight, it'd be good to share a little bit of cooking.

Happy dining, all!

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