Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Her assed

I have a love/hate relationship with MySpace. Sure it’s a good way to keep in touch with friends and there’s all those great quizzes and tests to pass the time. But it’s also very cliquish and has the maturity level of the ninth grade … and there’s all those quizzes and tests that are such time vampires. Ahem.

One of MySpace’s latest tools to keep up with your friends is a little application that compares your Friends List with the Friends List of the people ON your Friends list. Say that three times fast. The application then coughs up people you might know in common that you haven’t already “friended.”

In theory, I’m sure this little app is very useful and sometimes helpful. However, in the incestuous lesbian dating world it can also be painful.

I wandered into the living room yesterday afternoon and the GF was chuckling. “Guess who MySpace thinks I might want to friend?”

Tired from a workout, I shrugged. She gave me a few hints. I was a bit slow on the uptake but then it dawned on me that it was HER.

In our dating lives, we all have that one “special” someone. The person we regret ever having thought was worthy of our time or even just hot. The person you may have had sex with twice, but gave you a lifetime of grief. In other words, HER.

I shook my head. “What picture did she have up?”I asked bemusedly.

The GF chuckled, “Her posterior in a short skirt.”

A number of wry remarks tumbled forth in my brain before I said, “So she’s showing her good side?”

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