Monday, April 13, 2009

Amazon saga continues: Hacked?

The plot gets even messier. A hacker is now claiming he exploited Amazon's own software to create the Big Gay Debacle. From Gizmodo:

Okay, maybe Amazon is off the hook. The well-known troll Weev is claiming that he's actually responsible for Amazon's sudden surge of LGBT prudishness. Which Valleywag says actually makes sense.

It's startingly simple: It doesn't take very many votes at all to get a product flagged as "inappropriate" and booted off the rankings. He says he created a script that generated a list of product IDs for every gay and lesbian book on Amazon. From there, he just needed a whole bunch of people to flag the books as inappropriate, which wasn't hard, because simply getting someone to go the URL of a successful flag would count as another one. Using an invisible iframe on popular websites owned by friends and a group of "third-worlders" he hired to register accounts, he generated enough votes to de-list gay and lesbian books en masse.

Lending credence to his claims, Valleywag notes that the "flag as inappropriate" feature is currently disabled. Free reign for inappropriate books! [Livejournal via Valleywag]

Off the hook? I'd say NOT. While being anti-gay is bad, having a major e-tailer site be THAT vulnerable to attack is even scarier. The bigger story here may not be that is anti-gay but that they denied being the victim of a nasty online attack.

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