Monday, January 19, 2009

FemeNazis at Library Station

This little tid bit in the News-Leader made my stomach churn:

Around 30 members and supporters of the National Socialist Movement came to the Library Station on Saturday night to listen to speeches and take questions from opponents and potential recruits.

It would seem the National Socialist Movement (read Nazi Nutjobs) is upset that the white race doesn't get its due. Sigh. Really. Further, they take issue with those who support diversity saying that we don't really support diversity if we want to interbreed because then we wouldn't be diverse.

I'll give you a second to wrap your head around THAT logic.

Further, the group calls for all immigrants to be deported either peaceably or by force. Oh, and there's no room in the U.S. for Jews or homos.

Not that I'm particularly surprised by this group's beliefs, but wow. 1957 called, they'd like their racism and lynchings back, thanks.

I make light, but the reason I'm even giving these imbeciles the time of day is because these are the kinds of idiots we need to be on the look out for. I know, I know. It gets wearing just dealing with the cranky Baptists and AG's who want to fix us. But these gals, kids, might just want to do us harm and we've got no one to stand up for us but ourselves.

Knowledge is power.

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