Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Everybody run, the homecoming queen is in DRAG!

I’m proud to announce that my alma mater did something so uncharacteristically liberal I nearly fainted. Well, let me back up, liberal for the time I was there. I suppose now it’s no big deal.

To wit, George Mason University elected a man as their homecoming queen. Junior Ryan Allen, a self-professed drag queen, was elected homecoming queen by Mason students earlier this month. And as you can see from the photo he makes a fetching young lass.

When I attended Mason, it was a staunchly conservative school. In fact, I wrote an article for the student paper there when the Gay and Lesbian student union was vandalized. Amazingly, even in an area as large as Metropolitan Washington, DC it was still hard to be gay in the early 90s.

I was very much in the closet then. I didn’t understand half the things I was thinking and feeling. Seems perhaps my college was having a similar identity crisis?

Now, if the Yahoo article is to be believed, gold ol’ GMU has gotten right progressive in it’s values. The Republican student quoted didn’t even seem too phased. Better still the school’s publicity wonk characterized the institution as being “very comfortable” with the election of Allen.

Mason, you’ve come a long way baby.

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