Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Things I learned this week

From the rugby practice I went to:
Spectating rugby can be as much of a contact sport as the actual sport. Surprisingly, a rugby ball to the face hurts less than you think it might.

From my blond twin:
Broccoli does not belong in breakfast. This point cannot be emphasized enough.

From my girlfriend:
I have a slight problem with hooded sweatshirts. I apparently own thirteen that I actually wear. More are lurking wadded in the closet. The GF is staging an intervention.

From my own experience:
The period before my period causes me to want to eat an entire case of Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs.

1 comment:

wildefan said...

I'm simply saying here...I Love you, Les. And yes, you have a problem with hoodies. It's true. But until you admit it, you can't fix it. And your gay BF will be happy to shop with ya!